Certification: Green America Certified Business
Green America certifies businesses that are committed to using business as a platform for social change. Since 1982, Green America has evaluated over 8,000 small businesses.
Green businesses adopt principles, policies and practices that improve the quality of life for their customers, employees, communities, and the planet. The members of the Green Business Network are changing the way America does business.
Green America certifies businesses that are:
- Actively using their business as a tool for positive social change;
- Operating a “values-driven” enterprise according to principles of social justice AND environmental sustainability;
- Environmentally responsible in the way they source, manufacture, and market their products and run their operations and facilities;
- Socially equitable and committed to extraordinary practices that benefit workers, customers, communities, and the environment; and
- Accountable for their work by continually improving and tracking their progress, and operating with transparency in every facet of their business.
To learn more, visit https://www.greenamerica.org