KombuchaWhere To Buy
Blue Ridge Bucha is a family-owned, organic kombucha company with strict and innovative sustainability standards. They have a very successful refill program and strongly encourage customers to reuse their Blue Ridge glass bottles. They keep a running count of how many bottles they have saved. Blue Ridge supports other small businesses by label printing all bottles locally and using a local distribution company committed to a low carbon footprint. They went a step further by using reclaimed wood for their taps and composting to use in their gardens. The kombucha itself is highly regarded in Bon Appetit, Eater, Forbes and the like for being incredibly smooth and flavorful.
https://blueridgebucha.comPhone Number
(540) 221-6500Company Leaders
- Ethan Zuckerman, Co-Owner and Chief Creative Officer
- Kate Zuckerman, Co-Owner and Chief Cultural Officer