Acne Treatment, Aromatherapy Mists, Bar Soap, Blush, Body Spray, Books, Bronzer, Calendula Seed, Cayenne Pepper Seeds, Celosia Flower Seed, Cherry Tomato Seeds, Cilantro Seed, Clary Sage Seeds, Cleansing Oil, Concealer, Eye Pillow, Face Cleanser, Face Mask, Face Steam, Garden Spade, Incense, Incense Holder, Lemon Balm Seed, Lettuce Seed, Lip Balm, Loose Leaf Tea, Make-up, Milkweed Flower Seed, Mugs, Passionflower Flower Seed, Plates, Produce Bags, Pruning Scissors, Reusable Coffee Filter, Reusable Tea Bags, Rudbeckia Flower Seed, Salve, Scallion Seeds, Seed Starting Kit, Strawflower Flower Seed, Tea Steeper, Yarrow Flower SeedWhere To Buy
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When Terra Luna founder Elise Hanks created her company, she wanted to use plants to create herbal remedies for skin issues. Terra Luna is now a producer of apothecary products allowing you to adopt sustainable beauty rituals. Hanks planted a garden in the heart of Philadelphia where she grows the ingredients for her products. Terra Luna hosts volunteer days and events in a local community garden, fostering an opportunity for neighbors to connect and learn about the garden. Hanks is also committed to supporting natural medicine makers and does so by donating 1% of her profits to educational programs, farms and more in and around Philadelphia.
https://www.terralunaherbals.comCompany Leaders
- Elise Hanks, Founder & Owner
2424 Coral St.
Philadelphia, PA 19125
Philadelphia, PA 19125