Barley Flour, Bread Flour, Brown Flaxseed, Buckwheat Flour, Buckwheat Groats, Corn Flour, Cornmeal, Golden Flaxseed, Green Split Peas, Hard Red Wheat Berries, Hulled Barley, Millet, Oat Flour, Oat Groats, Pancake Mix, Popcorn, Pumpernickel Flour, Rolled Oats, Rye Berries, Rye Flour, Soft White Wheat Berries, Sorghum Flour, Spelt, Spelt Flour, Tortilla Chips, White SorghumWhere To Buy
Whole Grain Milling Co is a grows and mills organic grains in Welcome, MN. A year after certifying their farm organic in 1989, Doug and Lin Hilgendorf started Whole Grain Milling Co. to provide just enough processing to put their grains into a more usable form while keeping as much of the nutrition and quality in whole grains intact.
http://www.wholegrainmilling.netPhone Number
(507) 728-8489Company Leaders
- Hilgendorf Family