
Circular Ideas for Business

We are living through a time of an unprecedented amount of waste. Instant gratification coupled with poor quality and single use products has created a huge problem. Small businesses are in a perfect position to […]

Duck sitting on lakeside

Changing Climate Change

Carbon.  You can’t have a conversation about planet health without talking about carbon.  Our world is powered by greenhouse gas emitting processes; raising animals for meat, driving cars, heating homes, and traveling are some ways […]

Cutting boards with cook books and a roll of reusable cloth towels

A Better Picker-Upper

I start every morning with a scroll through my Apple News feed.  Of course I have favorited topics pertaining to the environment and sustainability to keep up-to-date so I can share insights and positive news […]

Fruit in a Reusable Bag

Living With Less Plastic

Plastic Free July is a campaign that encourages us to look at our relationship with plastic. How much plastic do we use on a daily basis?  Where can we make adjustments to switch to reusable […]