Adzuki Beans, Agave Syrup, Alfalfa Seeds, Almond Butter, Almonds, Amaranth, Amaranth Flour, Apple Cider Vinegar, Applesauce, Apricot Kernels, Basmati Rice, Bee Pollen, Black Eyed Peas, Black Quinoa, Black Sesame Seeds, Black Turtle Beans, Brazil Nuts, Broccoli Seed, Brown Mustard Seed, Brown Rice, Brown Rice Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Buckwheat Groats, Cabbage Seed, Cacao Beans, Cannellini Beans, Carob Chips, Carob Powder, Cashew Butter, Cashews, Chia Seeds, Chocolate Covered Fruit, Chocolate Covered Nuts, Clover Seed, Cocoa Powder, Coconut Chips, Corn, Cornmeal, Cranberry Beans, Date Sugar, Dates, Dehydrated Food, Dried Fruit, Dried Tomatoes, Dry Beans, Fava Beans, Fenugreek Seed, Flaxseed, Garbanzo Beans, Granola, Green Split Peas, Hard Red Wheat Berries, Hazelnuts, Hemp Seeds, Honey, Hulled Barley, Hulled Sesame Seeds, Jasmine Rice, Kamut, Kamut Flour, Kidney Beans, Lima Beans, Macadamia Nuts, Millet, Mung Beans, Navy Beans, Oat Bran, Oat Groats, Olive Oil, Onion Seed, Pasta, Pastry Flour, Peanuts, Pecans, Pine Nuts, Pistachios, Popcorn, Poppy Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Radish Seeds, Rapadura Sugar, Red Quinoa, Red Rice, Rolled Oats, Rye Berries, Rye Flour, Sauerkraut, Sea Salt, Sesame Oil, Shredded Coconut, Soft White Wheat Berries, Soybeans, Soymilk Powder, Spelt, Spelt Flour, Sprouted Grain, Sprouted Seeds, Sunflower Oil, Sunflower Seeds, Vegetable Bouillon, Vegetables, Walnuts, Wheat Flour, White Rice, White Sesame Seeds, Wild Rice, Yellow Mustard Seed, Yellow Split PeasWhere To Buy
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Jaffe Bros. Natural Foods is an online food company selling healthy, organic items such as nuts, dried fruit, seasonings and much more. Founder, Sid Jaffe, was a raw food enthusiast in the early 1940’s and Emma and Allen Jaffe, the co-founders in the 1950’s, were avid naturalists. Jaffe Bros. Natural Foods maintains relationships with their growers and producers.
https://organicfruitsandnuts.comPhone Number
(877) 975-2333Company Leaders
- The Jaffe Family